This stack is my first go at making a HyperCard stack. I have written it, because I needed a database for my scientific articles. The stack may also be used to keep a database of your books, etc. I have written an import function in the stack, this makes it possible to import downloaded from Silverplatter Medline. If you know a little about "programming" in HyperCard, it is very easy to make it import other formats. Feel free to use this stack and give copies away, but don't charge money for it!!! You may also modify your personal copy, customising it to your needs. Please give the original copy to other interested Mac users.
You can either type the references into the correct field yourself or use the import-function. When typing the references yourself, the tab key will move the insertion point to the next field. The import-function is designed for Silverplatter Medline. You will find the function in the menu bar under "∑" (sigma). Each field, in a reference to be imported, is separated by a return and each new reference is separated by three returns. Further help on the format to be found in the stack. I have included a file downloaded from Medline, where you can see the format. You can also try importing this file with the import-function (it should work). If you want to import text from another database, it is very easy to modify the script yourself. If you are not familiar with HyperCard scripting, you are welcome to drop me a line.
You can transfer the references to a text file with the export-function in the menu bar under "∑" (sigma). Each field will be separated by a tab and each reference with a return. You can of course also modify this in any way you may like. I think this is very usefull for generating a bibliogaphy, if you are writing articles yourself. You can also print the references, just like any other HyperCard stack, by choosing "Print report" from the menu bar.
Marking cards:
The cards can be marked manually or automatically. Manual marking is done simply be clicking "Marked" bottom on the cards. Automatic marking is done by entering a criterion. You may want, e.g. a specific author to be marked, then just choose "Mark Cards" in the menu bar under "∑" (sigma). Click the author bottom, enter the name of the author , and click mark cards bottom. You can go from one marked card to the next by holding the shift key down while clicking the left or right arrow. You may also get only the marked cards printed or exported (hold down the shift key while choosing export).
Sorting cards:
The cards may be sorted alphabetically by choosing "Sort by..." the menu bar under "∑" (sigma).
The index displays the name of the author and the title of the article. The order is the same as the order of the cards. If you have sorted the references by author, the authors will appear alphabetically in the index. The index is not up-dated automatically. You up-date the list by holding down the option key while clicking in the field containing the authors (on the index card). Just clicking on an author's name will take you to that card.
1) To prevent the stack from filling up all the space on your harddisk, it will automatically compress, if the free size of the stack exceeds 50K
2) I will very much appreciate your comments about the stack on a postcard from your little corner of the world.
3) My address is: Lars Henrik Ostergaard, Institute of Chemistry, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
4) Urgent questions about the stack may be send via Internet to "".
5) All cards (except one) is deleted by writing "deleteAllCards" in the message box.
6) The stack will only run with HyperCard version 2.